Alberta's most charming photobooths you never knew you needed
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About fotovon



Not just a photo booth.

The fotovon experience is unlike any other photo booth out there. If you want to really WOW your guests, we've got just what you need. Whether you're going for rustic, vintage, shabby-chic or just want something different and unique, we've got you covered. fotovon is made for all ages and all occasions. Spice up your wedding, birthday party, sporting event, or corporate function with the coolest, most unique photo booth on the planet.

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About the founder



Good times, good friends, and memories.

Hi! I’m fotovon founder Curtis Glas. I was born & raised in western Canada and have called Calgary home for over 15 years.

I’m passionate about creating creative and unique experiences in everything I do. I believe that having cool & unique atmospheres help facilitate really special times, so I created fotovon with this in mind.

fotovon is the perfect addition to any event. It’s a fun & unique way to capture the perfect memories.

fotovon is as fun for me as it will be for you.

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